Chris Gin is an artist who lives in Auckland on the North Island.

Meeting with the Photographer Chris Gin.

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Exclusive interview for Kiwipal.

  • 1A Photographer From New Zealand.
  • 2In Love With the Landscapes of New Zealand.
  • 3Photos to Inspire Travelers.

A Photographer From New Zealand.

If you had the opportunity to admire the second part of the World of Narnia Trilogy, you certainly recognized the beach of Cathedral Cove at the very beginning of the film.

Cathedral Cove, shooting location of the Narnia trilogy.

I had been dreaming of interviewing Chris for over two years. We immediately came to an agreement, but time has always been lacking. Still, I have never lost sight of Chris's fantastic work as a photographer, and here is the perfect opportunity at last!

Guillaume : Hello Chris, most NZ enthusiasts admire your photos without knowing the artist. This is a great opportunity to introduce you to Kiwipal's community. So, who is Chris Gin??
Chris Gin
Chris Gin : I'm Chris Gin, photographer based in Auckland in New Zealand. Photography is above all a leisure, I am also software creator in everyday life.
Guillaume : What kind of camera do you use to take your spectacular shots of New Zealand?
Chris Gin
Chris Gin : I use a Canon 7D, Sigma 10-20 with a Tamron 17-50 lenses, a Benro tripod and various filters.
Guillaume : I must not be the only one to wonder if it is possible to buy reproductions of your works?
Chris Gin
Chris Gin : Yes, but to reduce mailing costs (fairly consistent between Europe and the southern hemisphere), I generally sell high-resolution versions of my photos. The buyer is then free to print the photo on the medium of his choice. If you want more details, contact me on the website where I present my artworks.
Guillaume : What artists have influenced you the most and you still admire today?
Chris Gin
Chris Gin : Among those who have influenced me and who still interest me, I would mention Kah Kit Yoong and Marc Adamus.

In Love With the Landscapes of New Zealand.

Many people in Auckland do not like the Sky Tower (they call it the syringe). They often prefer Mount Eden (an ancient volcano) when it comes to admiring the city of sails.

Chris lives in Auckland, the largest city on the North Island.

The capricious weather in New Zealand sometimes complicates the shooting, but the real artists know how to turn the slightest disadvantage into advantage. Chris seems to like the difficulty and prefers to photograph the wild nature instead of the cities. I wanted to know the reason behind this choice.

Guillaume : I noticed that your field of predilection was mainly composed of landscape photos. Why are there so few pictures of cities or humans in your creations?
Chris Gin
Chris Gin : I like above all photographing splendid landscapes. I have, of course, took pictures of my city (Chris lives in Auckland on the North Island), but I prefer nature above all.
Guillaume : Is there a fammous landscape in New Zealand you have not covered yet?
Chris Gin
Chris Gin : There are still some places missing on my list, but the most emblematic is undoubtedly the Milford Sound. I intend to go there sooner or later!
Guillaume : These are epic landscapes, sometimes more spectacular when observed from the sky ... do you plan to use drones, and what do you think about this new technique?
Chris Gin
Chris Gin : This is an area I have hardly considered, as I find the result quite impersonal. I consider that an essential part of the beauty of a landscape photograph is that it reflects the gaze of a human being. Taking a picture using a remote control seems to me to be a radically different activity.

Photos to Inspire Travelers.

Located right next to the famous city of Queenstown, the small town of Arrowtown is one of the most peaceful and beautiful in the entire Central Otago region. It is especially recommended to visit it in the early fall to enjoy its flamboyant colors.

This photo of Otago is a perfect example of Chris Gin's talents.

Chris' style is easy to recognize and if you need a photo to show New Zealand to a friend, you'll know what artist's name to look for on the Internet!

Guillaume : Your talent is widely recognized today, but what is the best compliment you have received about your work?
Chris Gin
Chris Gin : I believe that the most beautiful compliment came from someone who said he was moved to tears by one of my works, so beautiful it seemed to him.
Guillaume : After the photography (if I dare say), do you plan to make films in New Zealand?
Chris Gin
Chris Gin : Well no, I'm not particularly interested in the idea of producing films.
Guillaume : One last question, being myself a cat lover ... what is the name of this little cat that I can see from time to time on your photos?
Chris Gin
Chris Gin : It is simply the cat of my sister, his name is Smudge (in English this word designates the traces that are deposited by the fingers when one touch a glass).
Guillaume : I thank you for having granted me this interview (we finally did it!). Thank you for accepting that I reproduce some of your finest photos on this page. Those of our readers who discover your talents today should know that this is a tiny sample of the great variety of photos on your personal website. In short, if you like the pictures of Chris Gin, do not waste a minute and visit his page devoted to New Zealand.

© Photos copyright Chris Gin (@chris_gin).

The photographer Chris Gin.

Interview of Chris Gin

Photographer in New Zealand.

Chris has the modesty to present himself as an amateur photographer ... but  he truly is an accomplished artist and recognized as such. Find his great work on his personal website.

Visit the blog
Guillaume picture in the mountains

Interview by William.

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Guillaume picture in the mountains

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